Featured Linguist: Eric Campbell
LINGUIST List Fund Drive 2015 Featured Linguist: Eric Campbell (University of California, Santa Barbara) Featured Linguist: Eric Campbell My journey to becoming a linguist was a circuitous one,...
View ArticleFeatured Linguist: Thomas Ede Zimmermann
LINGUIST List Fund Drive 2015 Featured Linguist: Thomas Ede Zimmermann (Goethe Universität Frankfurt a.M.) Featured Linguist: Thomas Ede Zimmermann I was born and raised in the industrial city of...
View ArticleStartling Allegations Rock Historical Linguistics Community
BLOOMINGTON, Indiana – It has been an exciting week for the Indo-Europeanist community. While Monday saw the announcement of Bob’s Law, which derives the modern English Pez dispenser from the...
View ArticleFeatured Linguist: Joseph C. Salmons
LINGUIST List Fund Drive 2015 Featured Linguist: Joe Salmons (University of Wisconsin – Madison) Featured Linguist: Joe Salmons ‘Featured linguist’ blurbs used to directly address the question ‘how...
View ArticleFeatured Linguist: Ljuba Veselinova
LINGUIST List Fund Drive 2015 Featured Linguist: Ljuba Veselinova (Stockholm University) Featured Linguist: Ljuba Veselinova I came to LINGUIST List in 1994 as the first recipient of its graduate...
View ArticleFeatured Linguist: Monica Macaulay
Featured Linguist: Monica Macaulay So, you know how most kids want to be firefighters, or doctors, or scientists when they grow up? When I was a kid I wanted to be a librarian. Yes, I was the biggest...
View ArticleFund Drive 2015 is Over! Thank You to All of Our Supporters!
Dear LINGUIST List Subscribers, Supporters and Friends, Fund Drive 2015 has come to a close, and we would like to thank everyone who made a donation—big or small—for their generosity! This Fund Drive...
View Article2015 Summer Interns and Volunteers
We at LINGUIST List are delighted this summer to open our doors to the 2015 Summer Interns! If you are interested in becoming an intern, be on the look-out for our application cycle to open again next...
View ArticleA Visitor to LINGUIST List
In the normal course of running The LINGUIST List, we are occasionally lucky enough to receive visitors. Last week, Dr. Francis M. Tyers, a post doc in computational linguistics at The University of...
View ArticleHilaria Cruz at LINGUIST List
We at the LINGUIST List are always happy to collaborate with fellow scholars on our projects. We were lucky to host Dr. Hilaria Cruz, a researcher and speaker of Chatino, for a week while she worked on...
View ArticleSummer 2015 Projects at The LINGUIST List
It has been a busy summer here at The LINGUIST List! Please take a moment to check out the projects that our 2015 summer interns and volunteers have been working on! Edvard Bikbaev Edvard is...
View ArticleMichael Abramov at LINGUIST List
This summer was a great one for collaborating with fellow scholars on our projects here at The LINGUIST List! Over the past few months, Michael Abramov accompanied Hilaria Cruz at our office to help...
View ArticleMeet Amanda Foster!
Dear LINGUIST List Subscribers, Please join us in welcoming out newest LINGUIST editor, Amanda Foster! Amanda just started working at LINGUIST list as an editor in October 2015. Born and raised in...
View ArticleHappy Birthday to The LINGUIST List!
Dear linguists, colleagues, friends, The LINGUIST List is celebrating its 25th birthday! As an academic service run by linguistics students and faculty, it survived 25 years mainly because of a...
View ArticleLINGUIST List Internships 2016
Dear linguists, colleagues, students, LINGUIST List will host another internship program during summer 2016. See for details the announcement on LINGUIST List. Please keep in mind that the dates of the...
View ArticleFeatured Linguist: Hana Filip
Featured Linguist: Hana Filip My first memories are tied to the awareness that beyond our small Czech speaking world there was an exciting multiplicity of languages out there, and along with it an...
View ArticleFeatured Linguist: Jaklin Kornfilt
Featured Linguist: Jaklin Kornfilt The Istanbul of my childhood was so multilingual that not to become a linguist would have been impossible for anyone with an ear for language and an interest in...
View ArticleReminder: Donate by Friday to Enter Our Publisher Prize Lottery
Dear Fellow Linguists, Colleagues and Subscribers, In case you missed it over the week, this is a friendly reminder about our current publisher prize giveaway, which we announced on Friday...
View ArticleFeatured Linguist: Daniel Everett
Featured Linguist: Daniel Everett I suppose that there are some linguists familiar with the fact that I began my fieldwork as a missionary. When I decided to become a Bible translator with Wycliffe...
View ArticleDonate to Win More Prizes from Our Next Fund Drive Giveaway!
Dear Fellow Linguists, Colleagues and Subscribers, We are wrapping up this week’s publisher prize lottery. In case you missed the announcement for this and you still want a chance to win one of the...
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