Featured Linguist: Chris Green
I always thought my journey to linguistics was a bit odd and haphazard, but as I’ve met more linguists over the years, I’ve come to realize that many of us took some time to find our way to the field....
View ArticleStaff Letter: Joshua Sims
Hello, Linguist List Readers! I’m Joshua Sims, the systems administrator at the Linguist List. I do the behind-the-scenes work to keep our website running smoothly, both for our editors and for our...
View ArticleAdvisory Board Challenge
Dear Linguist List-ers, Our Fund Drive is now coming to an end, so it is time to acknowledge out Advisory Board: Jeff Allen, Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar Dry, Emily Bender, Andrea Berez, Kelly Harper...
View ArticleFeatured Linguist: Stefan Müller
I am delighted to support this year’s fund drive for the LINGUIST List. While preparing this text, I had a look at the pieces from previously featured linguists and noticed that I share some...
View ArticleHappy Halloween!
Happy Halloween everyone! This spooky season got us wondering, how exactly does the headless horseman speak? For those who aren’t familiar with the headless horseman, the common (American) version of...
View ArticleA Personal Request to Linguists around the World
A PERSONAL REQUEST TO LINGUISTS AROUND THE WORLD (A letter from one of our founding members) Dear LINGUIST List Readers, It is with sadness that I read that after six weeks LL currently still is far...
View ArticleChallenge Update: Last Chance!
Dear Linguists, As of this announcement, the counter on our website has reached $24,155.88 and we are starting the countdown to the end of the Fund Drive. If you can donate—if you want help ensure...
View ArticleLINGUIST List Office Tour
The LINGUIST List is the best place on the web for linguistics news. But where does the magic actually happen? Join intrepid explorer (and LINGUIST List editor) Billy Dickson on an exciting tour of our...
View ArticleThank you from the LINGUIST List
Dear linguists, The last 72 hours have brought some dramatic changes to our challenges! Sociolinguistics comes first before syntax—but phonology has taken third place for the first time during this...
View ArticleLinguist List 31st Anniversary
Dear LINGUIST List subscribers, As you may know, December 13 marks the 31st anniversary of The LINGUIST List’s founding. On December 13, 1990, Anthony Aristar and Helen Dry sent out the first ever...
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